USA: Die Reformierte Kirche in Amerika (Reformed Church in America (RCA)) übernimmt Belhar Bekenntnis

Anti-apartheid document finds new life in US Reformed Church Washington DC

(ENI/RNS). For some 400 years, the small Reformed Church in America has relied on only three confessional statements of belief, all of them forged in the crucible of the Reformation. This week, they'll add a fourth, and its unlikely origins - apartheid-era South Africa - speak volumes about the changing nature of global Christianity and its impact on one of America's oldest denominations, Religion News Service reports.

On 10 June, the church will formally accept the Belhar Confession at the church's General Synod held at Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa. The confession is a declaration of unity, justice and reconciliation that was written by Reformed churches in the Cape Town suburb of Belhar, South Africa, in 1982.

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