Dr. Anna Skolimowska

Warschau, Polen

During my stay in Johannes a Lasco Library in Emden I would like to explore its collections searching for some yet unknown materials concerning contacts of the eminent humanist, diplomat and Neo-Latin poet Ioannes Dantiscus (1485-1548) with the Reformers.

My scholarly achievements belong mainly to the area of editorship of sources and their comprehensive interpretation. I focus my particular interest on editing and analysis of Renaissance correspondence. Since 1992, I am involved with the research project implemented at the University of Warsaw and entitled „Registration and Publication of Ioannes Dantiscus’ (1485-1548) Correspondence,” a project which I am heading since 2000. Currently, the program is implemented in the Laboratory for Editing Sources, at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw. The correspondence of Dantiscus, an eminent Polish diplomat from the Sigismund era, a humanist and poet, constitutes the largest collection of letters from Central-Eastern Europe of the Renaissance times. The collection documents the relations of the Polish Royal Court with the entire Europe and shows how functioned the international Respublica Litteraria, highlighting particularly the place of the Polish elites in this community. Currently, the program develops along two different tracks: the printed series Corpus Epistularum Ioannis Dantisci and online publication of the Corpus of Ioannes Dantiscus’ Texts and Correspondence (http://dantiscus.al.uw.edu.pl/).
Dantiscus’ contacts with the figures of the Reformation in the light of the correspondence (he knew personally e.g. Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, Justus Jonas, Simon Grynaeus, Joachim von Watt, Sebald Münsterer, Georg Sabinus, Melchior Isinder, Ioannes Poliander and others) are an important part of my research. My interests also include Spanish Erasmianism, the language and literary apparatus of Latin letters during the Renaissance, and the history of old books and collections.