Das Stipendienprogramm des „Hardenberg – Fellowship“ bietet Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus dem In- und Ausland die Möglichkeit, die umfangreichen Bestände der Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek für ein eigenes Forschungsvorhaben zu nutzen.

Die JALB stellt dazu für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 8 Wochen kostenlos eine Wohnung in der Nähe der Bibliothek zur Verfügung. Nach dem Aufenthalt in Emden legt die Stipendiatin/der Stipendiat einen Abschlussbericht vor und verpflichtet sich, bei einer Publikation der Forschungsergebnisse die Förderung durch die JALB zu nennen. Belegexemplare der jeweiligen Publikationen überlässt sie/er der JALB kostenlos.

Über die Vergabe eines „Hardenberg – Fellowship – Stipendiums“ entscheidet der wissenschaftliche Vorstand der JALB nach Beratung durch einen Ausschuss des wissenschaftlichen Beirats der JALB. Besondere Kriterien sind dabei die Bedeutung des jeweiligen Vorhabens für die wissenschaftliche Forschung und die wissenschaftliche Erschließung der Bestände der JALB.


The „Hardenberg Fellowship” program offers researchers from Germany and abroad the opportunity to access the extensive holdings of the Johannes a Lasco Library for their own research projects.

The JALB provides accommodation close to the library for a period of up to 8 weeks. The researcher prepares a report after the conclusion of his/her stay and commits to acknowledging the support through the JALB in the case of publication of the results of his/her research and to provide specimen copies free of charge.
The decision of granting a Hardenberg Fellowship is made by the academic director after consultation with the advisory board. Special criteria include the academic importance of the proposed project and the continued scholarly exploration of the holdings of the JALB.

Anfragen und Bewerbungen richten Sie mit den üblichen Unterlagen und unter Hinzufügung einer Skizze des Forschungsvorhabens an:


PD Dr. Kęstutis Daugirdas
Wissenschaftlicher Vorstand der
Stiftung Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek
Kirchstraße 22
26721 EMDEN




Questions and applications including the usual documents and a research proposal can be sent to:


PD Dr. Kęstutis Daugirdas
Wissenschaftlicher Vorstand der
Stiftung Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek
Kirchstraße 22
26721 EMDEN


Dr. John Choi
Dr. John Choi is a Professor of Handong Global University in Pohang, South Korea.
Thomas Klöckner
Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn/NL
Dr. Valentina Sebastiani
Dr. Sebastiani is a MWW Research Associate based at the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel
Dr. David J. Davis
Houston Baptist University
Dr. Hyun-Ah Kim
Centre for Reformation & Renaissance Studies, University of Toronto (Canada)
Prof. Dr. Marco Hofheinz
Leibniz University of Hannover (Germany)
is working on the completion of his book “Becoming reformed. Ethical and Historical Studies on the Reformed Reformation and its Reception in the 20th century / Reformiert warden”. Studies on the community of property according to Calvin, on Calvin and virtue ethics and on the model of covenant and marriage still remain to be carried out.
Alessio Panichi
Lucca, Italien
During my two months at the Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek, I will focus on the cultural struggle fought by Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639), one of the most important philosophers of the late Renaissance, against Luther, Calvin, and their followers.
Antionette Janse van Rensburg
Pretoria, South Africa
During my stay, the main line of enquiry will focus on the origin of the threefold structure of the Heidelberg Catechism. Why was it written in a threefold structure, and what documents were used to form the structure of the Heidelberg catechism?
Dr. Denis Janz
New Orleans, LA USA
Janz is Provost Distinguished Professor of the History of Christianity at Loyola University in New Orleans. He is currently working on a book project entitled Martin Luther’s ‘De captivitate Babylonica’: Dual Language Edition, with New Translation, Introduction, Notes, and Commentary (under contract with Oxford University Press).
Prof. Dr. Brooks Schramm
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Schramm is Professor of Old Testament at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. During his two months at the Johannes a Lasco Library, he is translating, introducing, and annotating Martin Luther’s 1543 anti-Jewish treatise, ‘Vom Schem Hamphoras und vom Geschlecht Christi’. The finished product will be included in the new 6-volume edition of Luther’s works, The Essential Luther (ed. Timothy Wengert, Kirsi Stjerna, and Hans Hillerbrand; Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015-).
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